Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Well someone told me that I need to stop writing about food. Well i took that as start a new blog. so Welcome to My new blog all ye who enjoy food as much as i do. Each day i will write about a food that has left an impression on me in my life. 

My love of food started at an early age with my "experiments" A hot dog warmed up with a piece of single slice cheese melted over it and catsup. My love has just grown stronger form that time forward. I love food! there is no other way to put it. I watch this show called "Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern" It's a fantastic show and he inspired me to really go outside the box with your food repertoire! I like trying new things all the time and i am never hesitant about that. Are you ready for my food of the day well here it goes.

Today's food is something that many of you have never tried before unless you have been to Belize. It's Called "Fry Jacks" They are like a really airy bread kind of like a flakey pastry you can eat it with dinner, breakfast, lunch, dessert, and everything in between. I loved it. It is usually a triangle shape and sometimes can be stuffed. Its a sweeter bread but not too sweet so that you can eat it with things like eggs and ice cream... but not together that was two seperate meals. Well I hope you all enjoy my future blogs. Remember think outside the box and try everything once. Who know you may just find a new favorite.



  1. OMg that is one of my favorite shows! Did you know that? *raised eyebrow* Actually I was watching that today, the Moroccan episode. It was so funny. I love that place so much My dream is to go to Marekesh. Anyways my point was that I think thats cool. What your doing.I'm actually in the middle of writing a cookbook. I will give you any interesting recipe's I find or make up that you might want to try.

  2. P.s. I don't like that I can't be anonymous so feel free to delete my comments if you like.

  3. Oh and you need a better pic. with something that looks gross or really good.

  4. haha just when i think u can't be anymore crazy, u surprise me!! lol this blog is going to be a big hit! haha =D

  5. So I still remember Sky with his squeaky little 10 year old voice asking if he could make his "recipe" (the hotdogs and single slice cheese. He was so proud of his creation. Then he got a little older and invented the "spagetti sandwich" which is two slices of french bread filled with-you guessed it- spagetti.

    I love that you picked Fryjacks! And Mak and I have the same favorite episode on Bizarre foods! Morocco is the episode that made me love Andrew Zimmern. I can, however, live without those 3rd world African countries he has been visiting! Yuck! Ethiopia was grody.

    So, there are soooo many foods I think you should review.
