Sunday, January 4, 2009

It's German, It's Filling , and It's Good!!

Welcome to the world of Kruatbruks. (kr-out-br-oo-ks). They are a family tradition dating back to i don't know when. I do know they were brought to this country by my biological great grandpa's family from germany. When he married my great grandma Della the tradition started. Ever since i was born we have been having this meal at least once a year. It is a bread stuffed with Hamburger, Cabbage and Onion. You dip it in sour cream and eat bite by bite. It is very filling and u usually eat with family and friends. It's a great social dish. So remember EAT outside the box and you may just find the new favorite!



  1. oh man those things are sooo good!

  2. You need to try American Indian food. I think you would like it. Just wait till I take you to a really good pow wow. ;)

  3. Next time you eat some drop one on the floor for me, okay?
